So last night was definitely better than the first night. I learned to close the windows while it was still a little bit warm in the cabin and found a couple blankets in a blanket chest here in the cabin so I had those so I was roasty-toasty last night and it was warmer outside overall than the night prior so very comfortable night. Spent part of the day setting up the Starlink satellite internet system and the solar battery system and both of those got set up in the morning so that was helpful to have that so I could charge phones and charge rechargeable lights.
I spent a lot of time yesterday transferring more stuff from the truck over to the cabin. Cabin is only 450 square feet, so I’m running out of room in here. I also drove down to the town of Princeton to get gas for the generator and to pick up some supplies to try to repair the hand pump at the kitchen sink, as well as some food. That trip was successful and I got back from there in mid-afternoon.
The neighbors called yesterday morning to let me know that they were leaving, going back home. They live about two hours north of their camp.
I spent yesterday afternoon setting up the TV, so that’s working, and also spent a lot of time trying to fix the hand pump unsuccessfully. I worked on it again this morning and still no success. I’ll have to take it apart again and see what I’m missing. So that’s a little frustrating. The plan for the rest of the day is to go over to the mainland just to see what we’re looking at, to see if it’s even possible to try to clear a path. When I was driving out the camp road yesterday, I took a closer look. look at the forest and the trees are extremely close together. They’re not big trees necessarily but seems like there’s one about every foot. You can’t even walk through there so I’m a little concerned that I’ll be able to clear a path. If the woods near the camp are anything like that there’s no way I will be able to clear a path and we’ll have to bring in some heavy equipment. I’ll try to ask the guys at the Waite general store if they know anybody that does that kind of work so hopefully we can get that done. That rowboat trip across the cove to get to the camp is getting old very quickly so a road is still a top priority in my mind.

The thing I haven’t mentioned… is how beautiful it is here. The pond is just pristine, the water’s clear, and you don’t see or hear anybody. The only people I’ve seen were the neighbors when I met them the first day, and they had a campfire out by the shore that night. Other than that, I haven’t seen a soul and nobody out on the pond.
So it’s back to work for me today to see what I can get done and I’ll update you later.