Hidey Ho Camp

Restoration of a Rustic 1964 Cabin

Update 10/11/24

Yesterday, while I was talking to the Dirt Guys, I got a call from the folks at Bear Lodge. They were getting back to me, responding to my call to them to let them know I had no water and the porch light, the kitchen light and the TV were not working. They advised that […]

Update 10/10/24

Well, the trip up yesterday was very easy. The flights were good from Greenville. Got up to Bangor and I had reserved a pickup truck for this trip and got up to the desk and all they have were Ford Lightning pickup trucks, which is the electric truck, not the gas truck. So I wasn’t […]

Update 10/5/24

I got a text from the Dirt Work Guys saying they had found some gravel on the property and were using some today. Just to be clear, its not like they found a pile of clean gravel on the property. Apparently there are a lot of gravel pits in the area so it is not […]

Update 10/4/24

So one of the things I had promised to send to the Dirt Work Guys was a map of where I thought the best path to take to the cabin would be based on Google Earth info. I knew, based on our earlier conversation after they walked the property, that they would not be able […]

Update 9/30/24

Well a lot has happened in the 4 days since the last update. Hurricane Helene hit North Carolina HARD. Just about everything is shut down. Trees down everywhere. One of the two roads for us to get out of our neighborhood is blocked by a landslide. We lost electric, water, cell service and internet. We […]

Update 9/26/24

So I got a surprise text today from the Dirt Work Guys, the company that I had called about putting in a road to my camp. If you recall, they had said they would try to get out and take a look at the job sometime this fall but they would not be able to […]

Day 6

So today was a lot of driving. 4.5 hours down to New Hampshire and 4.5 hours back.There were several good reasons for making that 9 hour trek. I went down to Jen and Austin’s house my niece and nephew-in-law to pick up a solar panel that had been delivered after I had stopped at their […]

Day 5

Busy day today. Day number… what is it? Five? Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Yep, five. So today I went over to what I’m calling the mainland from the cabin and kind of explored that to see what what the ground looked like over there. Whether it would support a road being put in. I […]

Day 4

In case you couldn’t tell already, I am dictating this blog so please excuse the disjointed stories and scattered thoughts. So yesterday, as I was coming back from Princeton, I was driving down Old Mill Road, which is the road you take to get to the dirt road to the camp, and I was greeted […]

Day 3

So last night was definitely better than the first night. I learned to close the windows while it was still a little bit warm in the cabin and found a couple blankets in a blanket chest here in the cabin so I had those so I was roasty-toasty last night and it was warmer outside […]