Day one was overall a very successful day. I got up to the area of the cabin and stopped by the Waite General Store and met Wayne and Joe, the couple that runs the Waite General Store. I got a couple of subs and a lot of good information. They have Post Office boxes there and can accept packages, so that’ll be very helpful. They also have the inside track on a number of contractors in the area and gave me the name of a roofer. So that looks like that is going to be a very, very valuable place to frequent. And then I went over to the property and met Joe and Vivian, my neighbors, whose driveway I drive in on. They couldn’t have been nicer. They had cleared up some trees that had fallen over the path and made me feel very welcome. They gave me a tour of their home. Very similar to our cabin, except a little bit bigger. But the construction was very similar. And then I started unpacking and bringing stuff over to the cabin, but I didn’t get everything over that night. I was hoping to get everything over and really didn’t get anything set up, but all in all a pretty successful day. The 16 foot inflatable runway dock was very successful in acting as a tractor trailer to load all the things on that and then just tow that over behind the rowboat to the cabin. Today I will continue to bring the rest of the supplies over from the truck and hopefully get some gas so that I can get the generator fired up and get some power.
Last night was an early night as soon as it got dark pretty much. Couldn’t see real well in the cabin and so just went to bed. When I got here yesterday the cabin was very warm inside so I was worried I was not gonna be able to sleep because it’s so warm. So I opened up all the the windows with the screens and last night it was really cold (in the forties). So it’s still cold in there. I got up later than I wanted to just because I didn’t want to get out of bed because it was so cold out. But I’m up and at it this morning so hopefully it’ll be a good day.