Hidey Ho Camp

Restoration of a Rustic 1964 Cabin

So today was a lot of driving. 4.5 hours down to New Hampshire and 4.5 hours back.There were several good reasons for making that 9 hour trek. I went down to Jen and Austin’s house my niece and nephew-in-law to pick up a solar panel that had been delivered after I had stopped at their house on the way up to the Camp. I also was able to get a shower (hot water is the best!) and do a quick bit of laundry. No one was home when I arrived but they had left the door unlocked for me so I was able to everything done quickly. Just as I was finishing up, Jen, my niece arrived home. It is always good to see this entire family. They are just a great family. Well Jen offered me some cold pizza that she had left over from a previous lunch. To me, cold pizza is almost as good as hot pizza so I said that would be great. Then she mentioned that it had eggplant on it as a topping. Huh? Excuse me. What? To which I replied, as I believe 98% of the pizza eating world would respond, “Jen, you ruined the pizza.” So much for being tactful and gracious. But she took it in stride and added, “I do have one slice of pepperoni pizza.” To which I replied, “yes, please.” So fully equipped with a solar panel, a clean body, clean clothes, a banana and one slice of pepperoni pizza I headed on my may back to the camp.

It was a race driving back to get back before dark. I did not want to have to negotiate the dirt road to the neighbors camp, launch the rowboat and row across the pond to the cabin in the dark. Of course I had not brought any flashlight with me so it was imperative to get back before dark. I cut it about as close as possible arriving at the neighbors camp just at sunset. There was still enough light in the sky to see where I was going while rowing to the cabin. Did I mention that the rowing to and from the cabin was getting to be not as much fun as it was the first few times I did it? Definitely going to have to look into some sort of motor for the rowboat. So, last day tomorrow before heading back to North Carolina. I expect it will be a busy one.